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Saturday, May 07, 2005

Shane wanted to see some of my photo restoration... so here ya go. Posted by Hello

I have been diagnosed as evil...

I have come across allot of discussions dealing with atheism recently, and have realized more and more that people just don't seem to understand what atheism is. I keep hearing people refer to it as a religion which confuses me to no end. Some have gone as far as to say that it takes just as much of a leap of faith to NOT believe in God as it does TO believe in him.

People, look, it is just not that complicated. I don't believe in your God. I also don't believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, goblins, dragons, fairies, the bogeyman or any of those things. God is nothing more to me than any of those things. I don't have to convince myself any more that God does not exist than I have to convince myself that the loch ness monster doesn't exist. To me they are all fairy tales and mythology. Is it a leap of faith for you to not believe in Zeus? Why? Is it a leap of faith for you to not believe in Lord Ganesh? Didn't think so. You just don't. I am no different except I don't have one that I do believe in.

So do I poke fun at religion? Yes I do. Why you ask? It is simple. As long as people try to push their religion on me or my kids by trying to make it law, I am going to say something about it. After all. If I tried to have a law passed saying that you had to acknowledge bigfoot before class started, wouldn't you laugh at me?

Just in a bad mood today...

Well it has been official for a while now that there were no WMD’s in Iraq. And it only took multiple searches, a war and three different reports to figure it out. Soooooo… where is the apology? Where is the “I screwed up” speech from Bush? I kept my mouth shut and waited. They announced that there were no WMD’s, and the info was wrong, and I sat patiently and waited. Nothing. No offense, but when the kid at McDonalds screws up your Big Mac the manager takes responsibility. And that is just a crappy fast food joint.

That is part of what being in charge IS! Taking responsibility for those under you. Has Bush done this? NO. Instead he give promotions and commendations to those who are supposed to be in charge of these things. To top it of, the UN was TRYING to search for the weapons. Bush said not good enough, we know they are there, we have pictures! So he invades. Nothing. There is nothing there. He gave the UN the finger and called them ineffective because they could not find something that doesn’t exist. So does he take responsibility? Does he apologize for ignoring the mass of people telling him he was wrong? Nope.

I can’t immagine why people around the world hate us, and only the right wingers and morons have any respect for Bush. How can you possibly respect a man who cannot even take responsibility when he screws up?

Idiots (EDITED)

(EDITED! Trying to do too may things at once!)

I am fed up. I was goofing off on the internet (as I often do) and when I checked my email I had a letter from truth.com. I have to say I am tired of all of these groups. Mostly of all this one. Those guys drive me nuts.

Their ads are ridiculous. I am getting sick and tired of pretentious nonsense being spewed out by pampered twenty-something’s who want to make a difference. You wanna make a difference? Get your own shit straight, then keep it that way and leave people alone. These fools over at truth.com go and stand in front of tobacco companies to tell them *gasp* tobacco products are BAD for people! Who would have guessed setting a bunch of crap on fire and inhaling it was bad for you?! Christ people, you want me to come stand in front of your house to announce to you the sky is blue?

Look, I get it, they think they are helping people, or at least that is what they want to believe. The fact is they are simply acting like annoying pretentious jackasses. Common sense would tell you if a person chooses to do something that is harmful to themselves... it is their own fault! But no, they think it is better to have a woman who destroyed her own voicebox with something she knew to be bad for her stand in front of the building and bitch. Why gripe at the companies, you are the idiot that did that to yourself.

Maybe I am over reacting, but I think it is the same little punk ass kids being put through college by mommy and daddy who were bought a new VW Bug for their sixteenth birthday who are killing people. We have multiple countries around the world where people are starving to death and these morons are protesting genetically engineered grain that could save millions. Why? because they only eat all organic foods and wear hemp tee shirts, and they think the rest of the world should too. Also because they don'tunderstand the first thing about what GE grain is, or how it is produced. So their solution is to starve people to death. Brilliant. Posted by Hello