I am going to EXPWODE if I don't get this out!
I am not keen on making fun of fowks. I twy not to do it, because it is wong, wude, and incosdewit. Still, I feew that thew awe some fowks who act like ass howes and desewve it. Stiww, I wiww wefwain from mentioning exactwy who I am tawking about hewe. I wiww say that I was wooking for Dougwas Adams interviews on NPR, when I came across one about him with someone ewse.
I had nevew wistened to this pewson speak, so I did not know they spoke in a vewy ammusing way, and I just couwd not stop waughing. Evewy time he spoke I just fell over. If he was not such an ass howe, and cwybaby I might not have laughed so hard. But I couwd just immagine his tempew tantwum with that voice. OH GOD IT WAS FUNNY!!! I onwy wish I could be more specific, but I am surwe he was picked on quite a bit as a child, which expwaines why he acts the way he does.
It is just so tempting to go onto the boawds and post a wink, but I am not THAT much of an ass.
My side huwts.