For those who are unaware the movie adaptation of my favorite book (The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy) is being released later this month (April 29th). Because of this there have been quite a few people who went to advanced screenings of the film. One of them was MJ Simpson. Unauthorized biographer of Douglas Adams (the author of The Hitchhikers Guide) and all around self-absorbed ass.
After his screening he wrote a "review" of the film. While he had a few notes on things that could be considered legitimate problems with the film, for the most part it was a 10,000 word list of things that were in the source material, and not in the movie. Beyond this he has made it a point to insult all those who DID enjoy the movie. Apparently it was not enough to just write his review. So today I find this update on his site.
"Birmingham event banned by Disney!
At the invitation of my mate Tom, who runs the Electric Cinema in Birmingham, I was scheduled to do a Q&A and book signing at a screening of the film on opening night. BVI have now informed Tom that he will not be allowed to screen the film if my Q&A goes ahead. I was invited in order to boost the opening weekend take and, let's face it, I wasn't going to stand there and criticise the audience for liking the film, was I? In any case, by that point the Electric would have the ticket money and BVI would have their rental fee. Still, it's Disney's football and they get to say who plays with it."
"There will still be a Q&A on 28th April at the Electric but the speaker will be Robbie Stamp. Robbie is a good guy, knows his stuff and will give a good talk. I hope that the Brummie Hitchhiker fans will still go along and support Tom and the staff of the Electric who have put a lot of effort into organising this event. It's just sad that BVI feel so threatened by one person's review of the film."
Apparently this little man threatens a company like Disney. In his estimation apparently it is not possible that they don’t want him to act as their spokesman at this screening when he has no affiliation with their company or this film. So of course there is no other reason that they would not want him to use this screening as his own little book sale and soap box than they are threatened by him.
My favorite part is that he was being invited to boost sales. I hate to tell him the only people that even know who he is are Hitchhikers fans, and most of them are going regardless of his being there or not. Outside of fans, nobody else cares if he is there or not. "I wasn't going to stand there and criticise the audience for liking the film, was I?" Apparently he also forgot about all of the people who did enjoy the film that he felt the need to insult.
So now I am off to go act as an MGM representative, I don't work for them, but who cares. They should appreciate I am offering my brilliance to them free of charge, and using their products to sell my own stuff. WOO HOO!!!