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Saturday, May 07, 2005

I have been diagnosed as evil...

I have come across allot of discussions dealing with atheism recently, and have realized more and more that people just don't seem to understand what atheism is. I keep hearing people refer to it as a religion which confuses me to no end. Some have gone as far as to say that it takes just as much of a leap of faith to NOT believe in God as it does TO believe in him.

People, look, it is just not that complicated. I don't believe in your God. I also don't believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, goblins, dragons, fairies, the bogeyman or any of those things. God is nothing more to me than any of those things. I don't have to convince myself any more that God does not exist than I have to convince myself that the loch ness monster doesn't exist. To me they are all fairy tales and mythology. Is it a leap of faith for you to not believe in Zeus? Why? Is it a leap of faith for you to not believe in Lord Ganesh? Didn't think so. You just don't. I am no different except I don't have one that I do believe in.

So do I poke fun at religion? Yes I do. Why you ask? It is simple. As long as people try to push their religion on me or my kids by trying to make it law, I am going to say something about it. After all. If I tried to have a law passed saying that you had to acknowledge bigfoot before class started, wouldn't you laugh at me?


  • I can deffinatly see your point. My personal feelings on the subject of agnosticism are pretty much in line with DNA's. That may be due to the fact that is the rout I took for a while though. But I do agree that hopping on a side just to be deffinative is not a good enough reason. I chose my beliefs because like DNA I am convinced.

    As far as faith goes on the subject, this is my view as you may have read http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0371724/board/thread/18848055?d=18935105#18935105

    By Blogger mrphy42, at 12:18 AM  

  • And thank you for a thought out intelligent reply. It can be rare on these subjects.

    By Blogger mrphy42, at 12:19 AM  

  • You don't belive in SANTA??

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:15 PM  

  • Sorry.

    By Blogger mrphy42, at 2:37 PM  

  • Exactly. Religious people are retarded.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:05 AM  

  • What the fuck? It's KimmoA -- not kimmoa. What kind of stupid script is this?

    Write your own blog instead of using this POS service.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:06 AM  

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