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Saturday, May 14, 2005

Can we get much more stupid?

By now I am sure most everyone is aware that there is a debate in Kansas over putting creationism in the classroom. Good god, what is next? Are we going to have to start teaching our kids that we are an alien experiment next? Come on, people believe that too.

Just because there are people in this world that believe something does not mean that we have to teach it in the classroom. Next thing you know the Flat Earth Society is going to be pushing that their views be taught in the classroom. My question is, what class do you teach creationism in? Certainly not science class, as creationism does not fall under the category of science. After all, we don't teach philosophy in calculus classes.

So why are they doing this? I think William Harris from the Intelligent Design group that started all this crap summed it up well.

"They are offering an answer that may be in conflict with religious views," Harris said in opening the debate. "Part of our overall goal is to remove the bias against religion that is currently in schools. This is a scientific controversy that has powerful religious implications."

His answer was not that evolution is wrong, or that it was bad science. His argument is that it does not agree with his religion. Of course he apparently doesn'tcare one way or another if the views he is trying to put in the classroom conflict with anyone else's beliefs. What matters is that something in our schools is not jiving with Christianity. What a great way to run our country. Post on government buildings that you must only worship the Christian God, and sweep science under the rug and start teaching mythology in the science class.

Makes perfect sense to me. Well... it would if I had been lobotomized some time in my life.


  • yes such is life as one sees here, nothing new. The problem is, everyone thought concepts like democracy, secularism etc etc are here to stay. Because life became so much easier for so many since technology became an integrated, normal part of our everday lives we figured all illogical/irrationally ideological thougts and acts are a thing of the receding past.

    But look again.

    It never went away, it's still here. In other words, we can fly to or talk with someone on the other side of a Planet, we can build tunnels under oceans and stations floating in outer space, we can fix our vision to 20/20 by zapping our eyes with a laser beam...but please by no means should one be under the _delusion_ that the "I'm right, the rest of y'all are wrong, never mind that I make no sense" has gone or ever will go away...Idiocy is part of the human makeup, and these recent happenings are only proving for the millionth time in our history as sentient beings.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:13 PM  

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