i lost my towel

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I heard it again today

I keep hearing people label things as Anti-American and it is driving me NUTS! People see someone criticizing the president, or other government officials, and all of the sudden they are anti-American.

Newsflash people! George W Bush and his cabinet are NOT AMERICA! If you criticized Clinton or any other president, or their actions, did that make you anti-American? No. It is not a matter of being anti-American to criticize the war or other actions like the banning of gay marriage or even that stupid teacher who tried to force the kid to stand for the national anthem. Now, it may be anti-"the America you want", but it is NOT by any means anti-American.


You know, I used to be proud to be a fan of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series. That was until the movie was made. I used to pride myself on the fact that I was part of a fanbase that consisted of fairly intelligent people. Now though, after being a member of the Hitchhikers board over at IMDb, I am ashamed.

As it turns out a large chunk of Hitchhiker fans are nothing but whiney childish crybabies who know nothing about making a movie. All I hear over there is people crying and whining about how they added the line "Hello ground" to the whale's dialogue, or how they wanted the filmmakers to take $5 million to put a tiny gag into the movie that Douglas Adams himself wrote out. Waaaaa

It is just embarrassing.