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Saturday, May 07, 2005

Just in a bad mood today...

Well it has been official for a while now that there were no WMD’s in Iraq. And it only took multiple searches, a war and three different reports to figure it out. Soooooo… where is the apology? Where is the “I screwed up” speech from Bush? I kept my mouth shut and waited. They announced that there were no WMD’s, and the info was wrong, and I sat patiently and waited. Nothing. No offense, but when the kid at McDonalds screws up your Big Mac the manager takes responsibility. And that is just a crappy fast food joint.

That is part of what being in charge IS! Taking responsibility for those under you. Has Bush done this? NO. Instead he give promotions and commendations to those who are supposed to be in charge of these things. To top it of, the UN was TRYING to search for the weapons. Bush said not good enough, we know they are there, we have pictures! So he invades. Nothing. There is nothing there. He gave the UN the finger and called them ineffective because they could not find something that doesn’t exist. So does he take responsibility? Does he apologize for ignoring the mass of people telling him he was wrong? Nope.

I can’t immagine why people around the world hate us, and only the right wingers and morons have any respect for Bush. How can you possibly respect a man who cannot even take responsibility when he screws up?


  • "Taking responsibility for those under you" are you nuts? Where did you get such a crazy idea from? Nobody does that.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:00 AM  

  • I know, nutty concept eh? I am just crazy I guess.

    By Blogger mrphy42, at 11:31 AM  

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