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Tuesday, April 26, 2005


You know, I used to be proud to be a fan of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series. That was until the movie was made. I used to pride myself on the fact that I was part of a fanbase that consisted of fairly intelligent people. Now though, after being a member of the Hitchhikers board over at IMDb, I am ashamed.

As it turns out a large chunk of Hitchhiker fans are nothing but whiney childish crybabies who know nothing about making a movie. All I hear over there is people crying and whining about how they added the line "Hello ground" to the whale's dialogue, or how they wanted the filmmakers to take $5 million to put a tiny gag into the movie that Douglas Adams himself wrote out. Waaaaa

It is just embarrassing.


  • Hey
    Well .. I must tell you, it is disheartening in itself, to see someone sweep for the hills because they didn't like the kind of people they *met* on the imdb board, that you for some reason consider hhgg's fans. I disliked and disagreed with many comments and ideas and points of view and beliefs over there. But, there was one thing that was common to all of us there ... the love, the passion, the respect for hhgg and each other. I am proud of the kind of people I have met on imdb board even if their opinions were other than mine. Even if they complained and whined and their arguments were irrelevant and they had no idea how to make movies.

    I hope you reconsider giving up such a great title ... a hitchhiker's fan.

    much love,
    p.s. have a corn a dog for me.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:13 PM  

  • Oh, I never said I was going anywhere. I also just posted this here because I knew I was just mad and there was no reason to start a fight in the boards about it. So I posted it here to vent, but left it open for comments so as not to act like MJ Simpson.

    It is just aggrivating that so many people will refuse to give the movie a chance because there were changes made.

    By Blogger mrphy42, at 7:13 PM  

  • why does something that someone said soemwhere about something that you care about ... aggrivates you? ... that's too much aggrevation if you ask me ...

    have a cord dog ...

    to tell you the truth ... i can't wipe a smile off my face ... when i think about the movie. it just makes things better ... the anticippation ... the moment is near ...


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:49 PM  

  • Spoken like a true... oh... nevermind, you wont understand.

    By Blogger mrphy42, at 8:14 PM  

  • people just need to relax. It's a movie. It's not the tv mini-series, it's not the radio series, it's not the book. it's the movie. I agree with you, people are getting too wrapped up over one little line. BUT people are people and there's nothing we're gonna do about it. I'd offer you a corn dog, but frankly i find them vile. So have some tea instead. :)

    - dannerlc

    By Blogger ielle, at 11:18 PM  

  • You are right. I agree fully. That is why I vented here and not over at IMDb.

    So I will go on, see the movie and try to look at it like I have all the incarnations, and try to keep an open mind.

    If others cannot do that, it is their loss.

    By Blogger mrphy42, at 12:20 AM  

  • your all gay

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:41 PM  

  • How cute.

    By Blogger mrphy42, at 10:28 PM  

  • Well, I for one welcome the changes.

    I can imagine nothing worse than a Hitchhikers story that matches one of the other stories. That would be tantamount to copying!

    I love H2G2 - book, radio, LP, TV, and now movie, because they're all contradictory, all tongue in cheek, and all riotous fun.

    Anyone who thinks DNA would be turning in his grave over an extra line or the like, would have to consider this. If he could turn in his grave, we'd better let him out bl**dy quick, as he must be almost out of air...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:06 AM  

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