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Saturday, April 16, 2005

Corn Dogs

I need to speak for a moment on the subject of corn dogs. The fact is I believe them to be one of man's greater accomplishments. That is why I have begun a revolution. That, and because I have always wanted followers and women who will throw themselves at my feet to be close to a powerful man.

So, to all my loyal followers, we will soon see the corn dog make its way across this globe. No mouth shall ever have to go without tasting this treat... so go forth and let them hear our cry "What the world needs is more meat on a stick!"


  • Ok, a corndog is a hotdog on a stick, dipped into a batter and fried. The corn is from the cornmeal in the batter.

    By Blogger mrphy42, at 11:07 AM  

  • Well, just to let u folks know how powerful the almighty corndog is.....I asked a guy to come home with me one night, he declined. Perplexed, i went over the evening to see if maybe i had done something wrong.....NO, everything was perfect. Finally i talked to him i few days later.....asking why? do i offend you? Hey says no baby, i was just thinkin about goin and getting a corndog at the road mart.......so, to this day there is a big biker dude in my town that will answer to the name of corndog..............Yall have a lovely day now!!!! Jenn

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:27 AM  

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