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Friday, April 22, 2005

Parking Lots

Don't get me wrong, I am the king of anti-road rage. I don't speed (honestly, I don't go over the speed limit.) I don't freak out and honk at people over silly foolish things. But those people in the parking lots... you know the ones I am talking about.

There I am, after work, just needing to pick up a gallon of milk so the kids can have cereal in the morning, and then it happens. An SUV in front of me in the parking lane stops for no apparent reason. So I stop in turn, along with the person that has just pulled up behind me. As I look ahead, I see a woman pushing a shopping cart, so put the car into park. The SUV in front of me is going to wait for the woman to unload her cart and vacate the parking spot.

This would be fine, if the parking lot was full, but no, as I look around I see multiple spots open. I can't get to them though, because I am now boxed in. So there I sit. For twenty minutes. So this person can avoid walking an extra thirty feet. If the sheer sloth of this person were not annoying enough, there is a second factor.
Aside from shopping, what is it we do large amounts of in stores? Walk! This person is about to set off on a forty-minute foot trek through a store, and they want to spare themselves from an extra twelve steps. I know, they may have a good reason, right? They may have trouble walking... that is what handicapped spaces are for.

So what does this say about the society we live in today? Well, that is way too much to get into here, but I just can't imagine why so many people here have a weight problem.


  • Tell me about it. Our local walmart is re-vamping and it's hell on earth. I won't even go there anymore. There are other options you just have to drive further and i for one refuse to be one of those lazy fat americans waiting for the better spot! I could be parked in the back, walk in get my stuff and (if i hit an decent moving line) out before a person like your SUV nightmare has bothered to get out of their machine. Don't get me started on the little go-carts people use inside the stores. Its one thing if you are disabled or really really elderly and just can't handle the walk. It's another if you're 42 and just stupid. *sigh* god bless america.

    By Blogger ielle, at 7:06 PM  

  • Exactly!!!

    BTW, I like your blog, and read your bio. Very cool stuff.

    By Blogger mrphy42, at 10:38 PM  

  • Peasants, lol, I bet you are right.

    By Blogger mrphy42, at 11:04 AM  

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