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Saturday, April 16, 2005

Knock knock knockin on my door

I awoke this morning after working late last night to the sound of banging on my door. As usual on a Saturday morning it was the Christians come to inspire me to follow Jesus. This time it was the Baptists. Last week it was the Mormons. To top it off, this time it was a couple of kids.

My usual response to this is smile and as politely as possible say “No thank you, I am an atheist.” They usually hand me a pamphlet, let me know I am welcome at their church, and they walk away. Of course this time the kids had to go tell the adults that there was an evil bloodthirsty atheist prowling the streets of their community just waiting to snatch up their children as they sleep.

So, ten minutes later I have a rather large man in a stark white shirt, black leather vest and a cowboy hat standing in my doorway asking why I don’t believe in God. I was prepared, as always, my standard reply to this is “Why don’t you believe in Santa Clause?” Seeing as he had a very young boy with him who I was sure DID believe in Santa I decided to change up my response.

Why don’t you believe in Buddha (I know it doesn’t work like that, but he doesn’t so play along.) As usual he had no response to this, they never do. This is usually the part where they walk away shaking their heads. Still, this guy didn’t let up.

He presumed to assert that without Jesus it was impossible to raise children with any kind of morals or ethics. This is where I went off. I will not repeat the entire conversation here, as it did take a while. My point is that this seems to be the prevailing attitude in this country. We atheists are bad people and you cannot produce a decent, kind and moral human being without their particular religion. The most annoying part about this is they cannot even agree on what it is their religion says.

Frankly I am tired of it. I am really getting fed up with trying to live a good honest life and being told that I can’t because I don’t have an invisible friend that lives in the sky. I am tired of people trying to convince my kids that they need to tell me I am evil. I am tired of the public school system trying to pass off religion as part of their curriculum. But most of all, I am tired of these people interrupting my damn cartoons!


  • RE: The Saturday Morning Proselytizing (If it's spelled wrong, oh well.)

    Man, you pegged THAT right. I'm beginning to wonder whether "Freedom of Religion" means only "approved" or "authorized" religion... and, pardon the expression, but "god help you" if you don't toe the party line and be a "believer;" those people exercising their religious freedom are pretty quick to damn a guy for having different beliefs. Which begs the question: What is it that makes "religious types" feel the need to "save the masses" while athiests are pretty content to leave each to his own?

    Sheesh. What was the expression about small minds travelling in large packs?

    Best to you from Maryland... I guess "keep the faith" would just be a bit ridiculous, but you know what I mean.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:46 PM  

  • Thanks for the comment, and thanks even more for reading.

    By Blogger mrphy42, at 7:20 PM  

  • I live in a very podunk towne called Abilene TX. Maybe youve heard of it. Around here religeon is sort of like homosexuality in the military. Dont ask. Dont tell. Abilene TX actually holds the world record for the most churches per square inch. I am a practicing wiccan and have been for ten years, but if anyone around here ever knew that Im sure Id be exiled. You would think that with a record like that there would be a little more diversity when it comes to what kind of churches were around. Whats even more appalling though is their lack of education on various religeons which prevents them from realizing that "devil worshiping athiest" or in my case "devil worshiping wiccan" are contradictions in terms. How is it that Lisa Simpson was able to find a place for Buddha worship in Springfield?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:18 PM  

  • Yes, I am quite aware of Abilene (I live in San Antonio.)

    I know what you mean. I keep hearing Christians scream that their freedom of religion is being violated by not being able to mount the Ten Comandments on the lawn of the capitol building. Still, I am sure if someone who was wiccan, Budhist, satanist etc tried the same stunt they would lose their minds. They seem to have a model T approach to freedom of religion.

    You can be any religion that you like, as long as it is ours.

    By Blogger mrphy42, at 10:19 PM  

  • Aaaaaamen... I mean... oh hell... THANKS FOR READING!!! Hehehe,it is always good to find out we are not alone!!!

    By Blogger mrphy42, at 3:02 PM  

  • I couldn't agree with you more (except maybe about driving the speed limit. Ever consider walking? ;) and wanted you to know that even here, in the nation's capitol, the religious self-right have no respect for weekend mornings and/or cartoons.


    By Blogger honeykbee, at 7:35 PM  

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